Category Archives: Recipes

Gelatin gummy treats

Combine and bring to a boil:

  • 4 Tbs concentrated lemon juice or other juice with no added sugar and
  • 1 scant cup water

Let cool slightly and add:

  • 3 Tbs Great Lakes Gelatin
  • Honey or liquid stevia

Mix ingredients with a whisk and pour into a bear or other silicone mould or 8×8 glass container. Cool in the fridge for 1-2 hours until set up.

Optional additions: Powdered greens mix, fruit

Water Kefir


      • One quart jar with lid
      • Plastic strainer, nut bag or cheese cloth
      • Unprocessed raw cane sugar or local honey and unsulfured molasses
      • Well water or filtered water
      • Water kefir grains


Strain the grains from the water kefir using a plastic strainer, cheese cloth or nut bag. Rinse the grains thoroughly. Drink the kefir immediately or store in the refrigerator. You may have enough grains to begin two jars if they have multiplied.
Fill a quart jar with warm unfiltered water. Add 1/3 cup of sugar or honey and 1 tsp molasses. Stir with a plastic or wooden spoon. Add the kefir grains, cap the jar (no metal), and place in a warm place for 24-72 hours. Taste the kefir at 24 hours. If it is too sweet, let it go longer. Timing is dependent on your taste preference. The water will become lighter when the kefir is done.
You may also brew the kefir with a few pieces of dried fruit. Prune, mango and figs are some favorites. Drink the kefir straight or mix it with juice.
Enjoy! Pass along the pearls to a friend as they will multiply quickly.

Spring Green Salad

Serves 3-4

      • Kale: 1 bunch, washed
      • 1 stalk of Green onion
      • ¼ of a lemon
      • Handful of raw nuts
      • Handful of dried fruit or fresh sliced strawberry
      • 2 Tbsp Olive oil
      • 1-2 Tbsp Balsamic vinegar
      • 1-2 tsp Honey

Remove stalks and rip kale into bite-size pieces. Drizzle olive oil over kale and massage the kale with your hands for three minutes, with the intention to “cook” the kale by bruising it. Add vinegar and lemon to kale and mix. Chop nuts, drizzle honey over them and toast them on a dry skillet for a few minutes until they are brown. Sprinkle toasted nuts, chopped scallion and fruit over kale. You may also add more honey to salad to taste.